Both the MCA of Cleveland and CPCA Board of Directors are pleased to announce a new initiative...
News & Events
“Cigars on the Patio” a Great Success!
MCA and CPCA had a Joint Membership Meeting on May 16 at Nido Italia in Little Italy. This event...
MCA/CPCA Joint Membership Meeting
Cigars on the Patio Location: Nido Italia Date: Tuesday, May 16 Time: 5:30 p.m. - Cigars and...
Congratulations to the Newest Plumbers Local 55 Journeymen
A celebration was held on March 8 to recognize the latest members to top out of the Plumbers Local...
Cleveland MCA/CPCA Announces Local Chapter of WiMI
Cleveland MCA/CPCA is proud to announce the establishment of the local chapter of Women in the...
Mike Skala Wins Sporting Clays Outing
Congratulations to Mike Skala, who took first place with an impressive score of 79 at the Joint...
Recent News
MCAA Happenings – September 2024
MSCA 2024 Annual Education Conference Sept. 22: Take advantage of the visionary perspective and cutting-edge educational offerings that characterize the only industry conference specifically for the nation's premier mechanical service contracting companies. MCAA 2024...
MAPIC Save The Dates – September 2024
Sept. 22 -25: MSCA Annual Education Conference Oct. 3: Sporting Clays Shoot Oct. 3: OSHA-30 Day 3 Oct. 8: Plumbing Inspectors Oct. 17: OSHA-30 Day 4 Oct. 30: MCI/CPI Annual Meeting (Yacht Club) Nov. 13: MCA Membership Meeting Dec. 4: Industry Funds Conference Dec. 11:...
MCA, CPCA Annual Meeting
The MCA/CPCA Annual Meeting and Golf Outing was held on Sept. 16 at Canterbury Golf Club. An enjoyable reception and dinner followed a round of golf. MCAA President Rick Gopffarth addressed the membership and gave a very informative speech. The MCA/CPCA Meeting...