About Us
Our Organization
The Mechanical and Plumbing Industry Council (MAPIC) is composed of the Mechanical Contractors’ Association of Cleveland (MCA); the Cleveland Plumbing Contractors’ Association, Inc. (CPCA); the Certified Pipe Welding Bureau of Cleveland, Inc. (CPWB); the East Central Ohio Mechanical Contractors’ Association (ECOMCA); the Mechanical Contractors’ Association of North Central Ohio (MCA NCO); and the Mechanical Service Contractors Association (MSCA), which represent companies invested in the plumbing and pipefitting industry.
Meet the members of the organization

Dave Sommer
President – MCA Cleveland
(Smith & Oby Co.)

Dan Miller
President – CPCA
Miller Plumbing & Heating Co.

Adam Wallenstein
Chairman – MSCA Cleveland
Neptune Plumbing & Heating

Michael J. Gallagher
President – CPWB
The John F. Gallagher Company

Dave Kause
Chairman – MCI Cleveland
Coleman Spohn Corp

Scott Wallenstein
Chairman – CPI
Neptune Plumbing & Heating

Todd McKeever, Ph.D.
Executive Director – All Associations
Managing Director of MAPIC
As a result of collective bargaining to provide promotional and educational programs, MCA’s Labor Agreement with Pipefitters Local 120 established the Mechanical Industry Fund of Cleveland (MCI). The CPCA Labor Agreement with Plumbers Local 55 established the Cleveland Plumbing Industry Promotion and Education Fund (CPI).
Each fund is governed by three management trustees appointed by the associations. Dave Kause (Coleman Spohn Corp.) is Chairman of MCI and Scott Wallenstein (Neptune Plumbing & Heating Co.) is Chairman of CPI. Todd McKeever serves as the Executive Director for the two industry funds.
The President of the five associations and the three chairmen of the industry funds are the council members of MAPIC.
The total combined membership of the three associations and the two industry funds are 91 mechanical and plumbing contractors serving most portions of the northeast Ohio area and areas of north central Ohio.